About Our Lab

The Social-Ecological and Environmental Lab takes a dynamical and ecological approach to understanding interpersonal processes embedded within their physical and social environments.

SEE lab members:

  • Focus broadly on embodied processes, and have serious interests in perceptual processes, including detection of affordances and the use of measures such as eye tracking
  • Study the dynamics of individual and interpersonal action, and using measures such as motion tracking interpersonal interaction such as cooperative joint action, interpersonal conflict, language, and nonverbal behavior
  • An overarching interest in dynamics and the emergence of sociality through self-organized processes
  • View individuals as situated in sociophysical environments, with interests in issues such as how individuals interact with others in novel settings
    studying environmental and social affordances and behavior settings
  • Study behavior in real and virtual environments

All are welcome to attend our weekly Friday lab meetings: 1-2pm, Bousfield 160. Most graduate students who attend SEE Lab are either graduate students in Social Psychology who have an interest in how environmental embeddedness of individuals affects their perceptions, actions, or communication with others, or graduate students in Perception-Action-Cognition who study ecological perception-action processes and have overlapping interests in social domains.